We are Liam and Dusya's Team

We are Liam and Dusya's Team
From our March 2014 Meeting

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New round of homeopathy

Hi everybody,

We just started a new cycle of homeopathy, which will last 6 weeks. As you know, homeopathy is our method of detoxying our kids and healing their bodies. The healthier the body, the easier for them to learn new things.  As the body works towards healing, you have noticed that there are days when Liam and Duch look very tired or days when their eye contact goes down. In the past we have also had days with fevers, days with rashes, days with cold symptoms, days with crankiness, etc. These are all good reactions. We like reactions because they mean the body is working on getting rid of something bad. The next rounds of homeopathy are different from others we have done, so we just wanted to remind you that no matter how tired or uninterested Duch and Liam look for days or weeks, they have demonstrated to us that they always come back and usually they come back better.

So, if you are in the playroom, and Duch and Liam want to spend a lot of time with animals or books, here are some beliefs that SonRise tells parents and team members to keep in mind as we join them:
  •  "I TRUST Liam and Duch to know exactly for how long and how often to ism".
  • "I UNDERSTAND that Liam and Duch are climbing a huge mountain and need to rest on the journey in order to process all the new and challenging information".
  • "I TRUST Liam and Duch are taking the time to get closer to loving and meaningful relationships with all the new friends he/she is making".
  • "I BELIEVE that when Liam and Duch are ready, he/she will be with me again according to his/her pace, ready for the next level".
  • "I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU as long as it takes, because I love and accept you no matter what".
  • "Liam and Duch are DOING HIS/HER BEST to take care of themselves".

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